
Frequently Asked Questions

Here you will find the answers to the questions we receive most often from customers interested in using our products. If you have more questions after checking through this page, please contact us directly and we will be happy to assist you.

When will my order ship?

Domestic orders will be shipped within 24 hours depending on verification of billing information and the shipping address. International orders will be processed as quickly as possible, but may not ship within 24 hours.

Where do you ship to?

We ship all around the world, but some of products can be only shipped to domestic addresses in Australia.

How long does shipping take?

Orders placed within Australia take approximately 3-5 business days to be delivered. Orders placed internationally will vary depending on the destination.

How much is shipping cost?

Shipping is absolutely FREE for orders over AU$49 shipped to Australia. Shipping costs of the orders under the above specified amounts, are calculated during checkout based on weight, dimensions and destination of the items in the order.
All international orders have a flat shipping rate of AU$19.95

How will my order ship?

Shipping carrier on all domestic and international orders will vary depending on the dimensions and destination of the package. For domestic orders, we may choose to ship orders using Australia Post, Fastway, Amazon Logistics, etc.
We will provide a verified tracking number for online tracking and delivery confirmation.

How can I find out the status of my order?

When we finish processing of your order, you will receive an order confirmation message including the tracking information of your package in your email. You can also track your order on this page. If you still need help, please contact us.

Can I ship to an address other than my own?

Yes. When you go through the order checkout process, you will be able to enter separate addresses for billing and shipping.

Will you notify me when my order has been shipped?

You will first receive an email confirming your order, and then another email notifying you when your order has been shipped.

What is your return policy?

We stand by our products and want to make sure you are satisfied. To find out how does the money-back guarantee and refund work please read our Return Policy page.

Which payment methods do you accept?

We accept all major credit cards and PayPal.

Where do you sell your products?

You can find our products only on website.

Wholesale Inquiries

For wholesale inquiries, please contact us.

What is your privacy policy?

We care about the privacy of our customers. Please read our entire Privacy Policy page.

Is my credit card information kept secure?

Our website uses Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology to prevent unauthorized people from intercepting your credit card information. Also, we will never store your payment information anywhere, or in our database.

I don't wish to give my credit card information online. Are there other ways to order?

Yes, you can pay using PayPal.

I'm missing an item from my order. What do I do?

If an item has been missing from your order please check your invoice to ensure that missing item is not on backorder or check your email confirmation for possible multiple tracking numbers (order may have been sent in multiple packages).
If you still need help, please contact us.