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The joy of playing is that children learn

It is essential to play. We adults cause irreparable damage to children when we...


With the new Pokémon Pop Colors line, you can now purchase merchandise based on Pikachu, Gengar, Jigglypuff, Lapras, Psyduck, Snorlax, Mew, Mewtwo, Dragonite, and Bulbasaur.

The Pokémon Company has unveiled a new line of merchandise called Pokémon Pop Colors, which...


Managing Fears with Worry Eaters

We’re all worried There is something we are all afraid of. As a result, we...


Numeracy is part of mathematics

Understanding through recitation Young children usually demonstrate memorization skills when they recite numbers or the...


Pokemon Crimson and Crimson overview trailer

Pokémon Crimson and Crimson’s overview trailer increases the level of excitement significantly among enthusiastic...


The development of Charizard

In the first generation of games, Charmander evolved into Glutexo, then Charizard. One of the...